One of the committees that du Barry sits on in Newport every summer is The Black Ships Festival. Last year, the 150th anniversary of Rhode Island native Commodore Matthew Perry's treaty opening up Japanese ports to trade was celebrated. Newport's sister city in Japan is Shimoda. "Black Ships" was the term the Japanese used for foreign vessels. During the 20th celebration of this festival the Japanese ambassador, Ryozo Kato and his family visited along with a fleet of Japanese warships. A reception was first held on a Japanese destroyer; there is nothing quite like be piped aboard a ship with the crew at attention. In her first meeting the The Abassador, my sister noted the very stiff, formal attitude of the family and made A Plan. At the Newport Officers' Club the next evening, after all the toasts and speeches, the obligatory photo session was held. Just before the shot, du Barry whipped out four Groucho maskes and broke the ice; for one moment the formalities were dropped and everyone was a clown. That always was the best example, to me, of a good host; you made your guests happy with, and perhaps laugh at, themselves. (And, you give them something to remember.)
This is a marvelous post but again I have a question: Does your sister carry four Groucho masks to every party?
Only to those parties os Ambassadorial level or higher.
...of Ambassadorial level....
I may be a social butterfly here in Miami, but my sister is a social Mothra in Newport.
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