The crowd at the door to Crobar was rather frightening, but Bunny, me, and her entourage barged up to the ropes and she screamed, "I'm Mykul Stevens' drug dealer. Let me in." There was an audible silence and Mykul looked up, everyone gasped, and Bunny said, "Oh, was I too loud?" God bless the Queen Mum.
I just wanted to let you know: I think you're brilliant! Your site is always a great read! Cheers. ;)
FANTABULOUS! Great website, I'm sooooooo jealous of you for your scenery! Ooooo, that reminds me, I've gotta get out of this state.. Great bloggin! *kiss kiss*
Cooper, you make me blush; it's all nonsense, but it is a pleasure to discover you, too.
akh, I have read you for a while; I'm surprised you would take the time for such drivel. But since you want to, let me give you a big hug and whisper some drivel in your ear.
I want some drivel whispered in MY ears as well! But the boys are right... you, Mrs Astor, are "da bomb" as the urban street kids would say.
Oh Crobar, sweeeeet! I've only been there once and I was charged up the wazoo.....I did it all for the nookie if you know what I mean (and I got it).
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