Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Previous posts
- Miss Ebony performed The Sacred Lap Dance for fash...
- ...and, of course, there is always Andres, the cut...
- At 11:00 in the morning I was having breakfast wit...
- ...shouting, "He has risen; He has risen." This t...
- Bunny, being Easter and all, decided to make Lamb ...
- Finally, Bunny decided to eat Lamb Chop out It wa...
- There was this night; we both tried to make it ove...
- OK, OK, I know I complained about having Easter di...
- I'm so tired from Conference Week, that I almost c...
- Edison Farrow, the master of Friday nights on Miam...

Whatever happened to Grace Jones?! I remember us all waiting till 2AM for her 'midnight' show to begin at The Copa in Key West many years ago. She did 20 minutes and left; the girls almost tore the place down. Wow...memory lane buzz.
She was FOREVER late for her shows, but worth it. I remember when that first show of hers was announced (in Boston) and I thought, "Just who is Grace Jones, and what is 'I Need a Man'?
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