God Almighty, I ran into Tina Paul and her long-time girlfriend, Arlene during Music conference tonight. Tina and I started out as youngsters in NYC with cameras in our hands crawling through the tunnels and gutters of NYC in search of amusement and memories. These two gals have supported each other through the years in ways that most people would be so enviable of. We went through club openings, club murders, and club closings without ever being anything but entertained and, at the same time, collecting history on film. Tina is probably the most important historian of New York club life in modern times. Arlene is the support to that, a charming woman, and a great hostess. I'm glad you two are visiting for two weeks. You will add to my life for that period.
lots of kisses A. !!!!!!!!!
I´m geetting better everyday
WOW. I just googled Tina Paul and DAMN she's like a legend, she's photographed everyone! Very, very cool!
A legend, indeed; but a great woman, too.
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