"the" Mrs. Astor

Friday, March 18, 2005

The Last Supper (for now)

Peter held one last dinner for the two of us. It was on the veranda and there, fortunately, was no performance by the crazy neighbor. A glorious warm, winter wind blew off of the ocean. The menu was an enormous serving of mussels adrift in a creamy, white wine sauce with garlic. Peter followed it with chicken piccatta covered in capers, aside risotto made with cream and parsley, and--of course--asparagus in sesame seeds. Dessert was apple pie with pecan ice cream. (And, he still blames ME for his high blood pressure!) We then watched Mae West's Sextette, which has to be one of the campiest movies of all time. A lovely evening.


At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You’ll surely starve now that the countess du Barry is leaving! I must remember to send you a care package of fruits, sauces and fine wines (and a Thai boy)! I’m on it!

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Alexis du Bois said...

Dear Bees, without friends like you I would be sauteeing shoe leather in truffle oil. You, like so many others, give grope, I mean hope, to the world.


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