Homage must belately be given to my two housmates, friends, confidants for so many years, Terry and Bob. They have been the most loyal boyfriends for over a dozen years and I have know Bob for (cough) nearly thirty. He was 2 when I met him in the sandbox and I was 3 (maybe 4); we've spent the rest of our lives in that sandbox. Bob is a mega architect and Terry a mega designer; is "mega" OK to use these days. It sounds so Star Jones on the red carpet.
How precious to have known such a good friend for so many years. Did you both grow up in Rhode Island?
Yes, "In the Land That Time Forgot", The State of Rhode Island and Providence Platations. It was founded in 1636 by Roger Williams as a refuge from the Puritans. His goal was a colony of total religious freedom for all denominations of Protestant, Catholics, and Jews. (that's why Newport has American's first Synogogue.
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