Well, there is this, too. From my most beloved friend, ex-drag queen, now major magazine editor, sobered-up mess, adored philosopher of useless knowledge, storer of long-lost tidbits of information, squire to long-gone stars, shoe-shine to minor Broadway wannabees. manicurist to those who whould never mattered, but had a story to tell, someone who mixed up Sylvia Plath with Sylvia Miles, a girl who would wait in line for the right hot dog by the wrong hot dog seller, another photographer of the nightlife who would show up at the Times Square McDonalds for a Michael Alig Outlaw Party at midnight with the only competing video camera, and then host an all-night vigil at her Ninth Avenue brownstone to monitor the cracks in the walls and the troll in the basement, I give to you the one and only, Lahoma van Zandt. Google her if you really want to see something. Thanks, lvz for all the many years of true friendship; that is something few people ever get to enjoy and experience. I will forever be blessed by it.
I love you, Alexis. That really touched me.
Tell me, though...What was I saying that was so important about the early window washers at the Empire State Building? What the hell was I rambling about?
Also, I do look great in hamburger print, don't I? Hungry guys really loved it.
All my love, Lahoma
What were you thinking? Well, that's just the point; you weren't at all. You were high girl. We all were for that entire period.
I'm sure what I was saying about the window washers was critically important, Alexis dear. My sociological and anthropological research back then, from what I recall, was exhaustive. Of course, you may be right. We were both a bit distracted, what with our immense fan base and dizzying social schedules.
Yes, of course, a "bit distracted" by the It Twins. Not one person on this plantet debates your socialogical research that extended to not only worthless facts, but less worth boys I only remember what I photographed; I was too high to remember anything else!
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