"the" Mrs. Astor

Monday, July 17, 2006

"The family was awakened and told to dress...."

I am sick as a dog today; I seldom get ill and believe I might have been poisoned. Without Jeremy, I am at the mercy of not only revolting peasants, but even worse: low level Palace riff-raff, petty petitioners for favors, and the like.

However, I did note the date and pulled out one of my many postcards of the last Tsar's family. Tonight is the anniversary of their brutal and famous assasination, and as much as I would never let Bastille Day go by unnoticed, so do I for this date. For all the failings of Nicholas and the madness of Alexandra, they were a loving and beautiful family so out of touch with their times and the war and were swept away in the sea of blood that was to carry off so many others in 1918.

I belong to The Alexander Palace Forum, part of The Alexander Palace Time Machine created by Seattle native, Bob Atchison, in the early 1990's to preserve and restore the small palace The Imperial Family choose to live in at the town of Tsarkoye Selo in the suburbs of St. Petersburg. The Forum allows history maniacs like myself to advance questions, engage in dialouge, and track down obscure bits of history. I should ask for some advice on protecting myself.


At 12:32 AM, Blogger Pandora Wilde said...

It's time to employ a taster, Mrs. A. We simply can't have the rabble abusing your delicate innards, for it'd be like the house I just moved from. No one (even those who appear to have it coming) deserves that.

At 2:13 AM, Blogger The INFOSEC Consultant said...

At least you did not poison yourself -- unlike that luckless child chef in Bern. I have always been highly suspicious of the ice, particularly in the Miami summer...

At 3:16 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

OMG, we share a passion.I studied this and studied it. I read all the books I could get my hands on through the years including those about possible survivor, Anastasia that was living in Charlottsville, Va. This is a good site done by her reporter. You may find it interesting.
But I too have, for unknown reasons,an interest, serious interest. As of yet, I've not researched it via Interent as when I was lookinh into it, there really was not the access we have now. You have stirred the fire my friend, something which brings me a sense of intrigue and a kindredness.
Yes, mind the ice as Pimpernel says and never drink draft beer as i suspect would be the very last thing you would do, Darling.Feel a bit like Rasputin, do you? Mwah!!


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