"the" Mrs. Astor

Monday, March 26, 2007

We were a little sad tonight as it is the last we will see of Jeremy for six months (unless he sneaks by tomorrow afternoon), but I want to keep it on the fun level it always was here and between us all with a little story. Two weeks ago we were squeezing through the corridor between the two bars when I spotted the tall boy (who's name I forget!); he is not here very often, comes from South Africa, and always has a nice thing to say about the place or the crowd. We exchanged pleasantries and Jeremy started to say something. Tall boy looked back and forth and even behind himself when I motioned with my head that it was emanating from Jeremy beside him, a foot or two below eye level. "OH!", he exclaimed. "I thought I was hearing voices."

We screamed with laughter (as we have for two years).

And to that bitch from the tundra, Mikevil, who said, "Don't you people ever work, sleep, or eat solid food?", I say:

1. YOU try to keep hundreds of people happy while running an energetic but dyslexic business and tell me that's not work.

2. Yes, we sleep: fitfully.

3. Who said rum cake is not solid food?


At 2:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sad...I miss Jeremy already!

At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will give you the first one - but maybe you could wear more of your sequined shirts - pretty people are easily distracted by shiny things.

Second point: Have you completely forgotten our friend from the Bay Area? She is a walking Florence Nightmaregale with the presription bottles to match.

Third: If your rum cake is passing as solid food, you aren't using enough rum.

At 7:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i see that danish pop tart mikevil is up to his old tricks again... slandering the names of honest [and some would say psychotic] samaritans. alexis... be a love and let me borrow one of your sequined tops, would you? time to catch that saucepot and teach him a thing or two about manners!

At 9:05 PM, Blogger Alexis du Bois said...

I will not be slowed by the notions of minor Danish aristocracy. JUST when I was thinking of stepping down and retiring to the countryside, Mikevil gives me reason to go on...to the next rum cake.

At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darling "the" and darling bees - Just watch this lubed up little Nordic boy slip through your fingers...


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