Call me "old fashioned', but aren't we supposed to employ the Peter Barry's of our time to return us to that world we knew and loved? Am I crazy? None of us had a lot of money, but we had connections to things like respectability, knowledge, and a sense of history that provided fun while we were educating others. Knee breeches and powdered wigs were so common; you just had to look in a "drag box" for them. They got you into any Friday night party in Newport. Peter did the rest: a slight wave of the hand or the
secret word got you up the driveways and steps to Paradise. Come back Little Sister.
I would love to come down but I am under construction.Looks like I won't be down til sometime in April...
boy I can't wait.Please save your sister a Martini at Twist
OMG that picture is Iconic Peter Barry!! The Party King!
Even in my short reign in the Northern Court we have had Tiaras at the Palace; Brunch at the Ritz; and Hats at the Pool Party....AND the most fabulous Thanksgiving Dinner ever served in the Northern Court! All thanks to Peter Barry.
Have those times passed us by? I hope not.
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