But some things--while not a surprise--can sadden. Sabbath Rescue was set up ten years ago by Robbie Coy on his farm out by The Everglades. He is being evicted under a law that zones the land for farming, but--while you can have as many farm animals as needed--only eight dogs or less can be on the property (a sort of reverse Mr. Clucky problem). He currently has 130 dogs that were abused or abandoned and has rescued and placed more than 2500 dogs over the decade, housing and caring for them and allowing the older dogs to live out their lives there. By law, the mayor of Dade County, Carlos Alvarez, could simply sign a paper grandfathering the needed license, but instead the city has placed a $5,000 lein on his farm. There is a frenzied effort to save the organization, the farm, and the dogs but, my money is on the underlying cause of the eviction, especially after 10 years; the head of the county's Humane Society only supported an extension on Coy's eviction, not much else. There something rotten here, but that comes with the territory of Miami.
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