The Children's Museum, to me sort of a vanity project of the wealthy Potemkin family here, celebrated its sixth anniversary today with a circus. I'm sure they wouldn't have been so foolish to have animals, but in the ad for the affair there were rides and amusements galore promised. It's always seemed so unlikely placed, on an island between the mainland and the beach with the McArthur causeway zooming right through it; it's not a place you'd hop on a bus to go to. But the most amazing thing about the ad was the admission: $50 per adult and $35 per child. Now, let's be realistic and just discount the poor people (a sizable majority of the mainland)because no one cares about them anyway. But what about the middle class, one struggling with things like foreclosures and jobs? At $35 a child they'd better not have more than one or two, and only one parent can probably come along at $50. I'm sure I'm just being hysterical as usual, but it just doesn't seem right. I'm sure it's me, but just what does the popcorn cost?
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