What is it about South Beach that makes everyone a little crazy? Yes, I know about the heat, the skimpy clothes, and the boys; but there is something else at work here. Case in point: my friend Tim owns a working ranch in New Mexico right next to Tom Ford's. Sure Tim is a fun guy, but what possessed him and his friend, Felix, to go out Saturday and buy four pairs of platform high heels?. They can't be THAT practical on the ranch. And, yet, it all seemed to make sense Saturday night as they pranced around the house doing the Sacred High Heel Dance. I love this town.
"Working ranch"? If they were 'working' in Nevada, I'd understand the need for lucite platforms. I know my fanny always looked better when I wore cowboy boots; maybe these heels look really stunning with chaps. Working that close to Tom Ford must be the influence.
Grrrl, you SHAT for those shoes!
I just don't know. Maybe they are for Tom Ford, although he must have plenty of his own. Or, since Tim and Felix are leaving today, perhaps they'll still be in the closet and I'll hear them whispering, "Try me on. Try me on."
Who cares if they're practical? Just think what a splash your friends will make doing the line dance in these on Saturday night at their local country western bar in New Mexico.
When I was a little tea-sipping tyke in Texas, I was often condemned to shoveling cow poop on my uncle's ranch. Although a lovely pair of platform heels wouldn't really have made the work any more pleasant, wearing them while mucking around in the manure would at least have inspired me to break out in joyous song – Cole Porter, perhaps – and that would have made the day go much faster. It also might have convinced my uncle that I was hopeless for ranch work. (Though I can really get into cowboy drag sometimes!)
I sure hope that sweetie got himself a pedi and had his toes painted for those hot kicks!
Oh, Steverford, at works poetic, I'm quite pathetic.....
Platform heels make anyone a goddess. Mrs. Astor, you'll never know how happy this picture made me.
That sounds kind of wrong...
And hey. That must be some ranch.
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