No one needs to tell anyone that the world is upside down; it is a giant cake of no substance except for the inevitable fact that it will fall flat when the oven door is slammed shut. O.J. Simpson arrived back "home" in South Miami last night; "home in South Miami" is the preferred address of most felons and social deviants; the laws of ownership are so befitting. Last night there was presented a show for all of us to watch: Channel 7--the locally gay-owned TV network--produced a number outside O.J.'s Kendall home with drag queens serving up tea and advice. None other than The Palace's Miss Tiffany Fantasia Phillips was filmed serving up her take on the national obsession. Theater loves Circus, and Circus will die for Theater; should they go on and on.
Call me old fashioned, but there's a war going on, an economy shot to hell, government officials lying to our face, and the Chinese even wondering if they should buy any more of us. But the only thing I can think of is Miss Tiffany giving her advice on O.J. That's not healthy, but what else is there to
dwell upon?
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