For years here, The Palace has been the center of Balkan intrigue first initiated by Boris. It evolved, as all Balkan adventures do, into a roller coaster ride of plots, mysterious disappearances, and the ever-present threat of assassination (in itself, a rather exciting way to start every day). The Court is now assembling into its former great power, with the return of Captain Jeremy and, therefore, Order. The peasants are trembling with the Jeremy's return to command; it was difficult to maintain "a presence" while depending upon a leader wearing a teal-colored gown. I have regained a certain amount of confidence both with Jeremy and Mr. Astor at my side; Mrs.
Stuyvestant-Fish still holds the left flank and The Baroness
Seitzinger is always in the rear guard. Fringed Capri pants can be worn with abandon and nearly naked boys can frolic again, unhindered. Feathers are being added to hats without second thought.
All is forming in place for the arrival of The Great Northern Court, headed by the the dual-powers of The Countess
Bedelia, of
Transylchuetts, and my sister from Newport, The Countess
duBarry. I am sure those two power-mongers think they will conquer our noble land just by arriving with their trunks of gowns, chests of jewels, an ample amount of fawning
courtiers, blackamoors, hat-makers, face powder masters, wrinkle removers, shoe custodians, and the like.
They have another thought coming.
There, there the Countess Bedelia has promised to keep her mob under control. Their last poisoner somehow did himself in, so very little talent is left. Du Barry is another matter...
We come in peace!
Although there have been some missives sent by carrier pigeon indicating that the arrival of the Northern Court is anxiously awaited by some. I sensed a bit of unhappiness in the ranks when the head of state called a certain teal colored gown "green".
I KNEW IT!!! You have seduced The Poles to your side. I expect treachery from the likes of you, Countess, but not Captain Marc. Tears fill my eyes as I order them all rounded up and forced to make green gowns for the peasants.
OH whatever, it's not like the Poles put up much of a fight in WW2 - and lets remember that the Swiss guarded their Pope...clearly, there is no threat. Might as well call in the French LOL
Now, now; the Poles put up a VERY valiant defense of Warsaw. It's not easy being sliced up by Hitler and Stalin at the same time.
I love my Poles. I now suspect the evil Countess Bedelia of disinformation aimed at spreading mistrust at The Southern Court. She's a mastermind of intrigue (and exotic dancing).
Thank you, Mrs. Astor, for your noble defense of the Poles as well as for your kindness to their descendants.
I must say I look forward to the honor of meeting the Countess Bedelia. Not out of treachery, mind you; it's simply that anyone with such a precise color vocabulary as hers must be charming company.
I would hate to be once more stuck between two rival powers.
Why thank you, Marc. I also look forward to having you presented at court. Your reputation as a loyal captain is legendary.
And, never fear, The Countess Bedelia knows the difference between teal and green as well as many shades of black, white, and gray.
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