Tllhe 15th annual Shelley Novak awards took place at Score on Monday night, and although I protested that I was too tired to attend an event that is notoriously late, Leopoldo dragged me (oops) kicking and screaming to it. All for the better; it was well-attended and quite fun.

Tiffany on the left will always be one of my girls, but I've also always had a special place in my heart for Helen Swan in the middle. Why, even just the utterance of her name brings a smile.

And this lovely creature has to be given a prize if only for finding the best use for old Wire Magazines since the canary cage was invented.

Of course, the very mysterious Anita Face was in attendance.

When I saw this image all I could think was that is the hybrid of "The Women" and Zsa Zsa Gabor's "Queen of Outer Space" (perhaps a good idea for an upcoming Queen Cabaret skit).

An Miss T. la Rouge came wearing one of her signature puppet masks. You have to hand it to some of these characters, like Will here; the spookiest thing is that her lips move when she talks.
And, there is no rest in sight. Tonight the entire Great Northern Court arrives du Barry from Newport, Bedelia from Transylchusetts, Officer Brian from Boston, and even The Bishop has docked his yacht at the Miami marina for a few days visit.
No, there will be no rest for a week or so, maybe never.
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