Thank God, that we will finally know the tracking of Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish's whereabouts as she seeks to stomp out illiteracy with her reading room meetings. And--personally--I want to know where Baroness Seitzinger goes to buy those gaudy appendages she sports and what bank she goes to, first, to get the money; call me old fashion, but will new money like hers, she must be dealing with ooff-shore banks (and, I do mean "ooff"). I'll pass on the travels of Captain Jeremy from Latin to Latin; he's already given so much to this country in time and effort that he deserves some privacy.
Of course, no spy needs to peek in on Mr. Astor and myself; we lead a modest, withdrawn life more caring of the pool boys' need than our own. I guess the last thing you want when you are spying is that someone spy's on you. Perhaps there is a reason why the Bush administration allocated money for this in the first place. Let's not pull up the carpet and look at The War and its profiteers.
Are you serious about this? The world has gone mad, I say!
You'd better serve drinks by the pool with clothes on now. Don't give them a free show!
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