"the" Mrs. Astor

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Sunday Brunch Must Go On

Just as I left the house a call came and I could see trouble; it read, Geraldine. Ordinarily the sight of her name on the caller ID would be a moment of happiness, but I smelled trouble. Sure enough, she had just opened GEM and found a water pipe had burst; The Girly Brunch was off. I was so sad because the girls had worked so hard, the promotion of it was going off brilliantly, and just about everyone I knew was going to be there. I literally ran back with my housemate Terry screaming, "What's wrong, what's wrong". I told him what had happened and how I had to get hold of about twenty people who were now putting on the final touches to their tea gowns and having the clasps of their pearls fastened. That done, I huddled on the phone with Le Compte La Mot and Mr. Thomas Barker; it was decided to go full speed ahead and divert what eventually became twenty-five refugees to our favorite restaurant Da Leo's on Lincoln Rd; Da Leo's legendary Sunday champagne brunch was going to have quite a surprise. For only $27.50 one gets a sumptuous meal (and they are always good) AND all the champagne you can drink; and with a crowd like this, we really worried about the supply.
It was a table of the Who's Who' of clublife including Barker, Geraldine, FernanDcute, Dustin Refka, the Penny Back Boys, Edison at a nearby table with his entourage, Carl of The Wire and many more. (We convinced Geraldine to stay in character and dozens of tourists loved it, too.) Here the refugees were giving thanks for finding a port in the storm; the singing of "A Mighty Ice Bucket Is Our God" gave way to the French national anthem when a group of French tourists wanted to be photographed with Geraldine.
I remember thinking that the food was great but the champagne was what was going to nourish this teaming mass yearning to be drunk. Jager bombs didn't hurt, either. I don't know how anyone managed to walk away from that table, but most did and went to Twist where we ran into Douglas and Henry fresh from one month in South America. More toasts were ordered.

What can I say?


At 5:12 PM, Blogger PK said...

Look's like a great Sunday in Miami....

At 6:05 PM, Blogger Peter Barry said...

All the Girls were out on Sunday

At 6:37 PM, Blogger Countess Bedelia said...

Hah...Mrs. Astor, the Saviour of South Beach Society!

Doesn't anyone down there know who to use a wrench and fix a water pipe?

At 6:45 PM, Blogger Alexis du Bois said...

I know what a wench is!! As for the pipe, I would have had ice and water trucked in and made a deal with a nearby business to use their bathrooms. Alas, there was no time for anything else but directing the tide of refugees.


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