The Sunday Brunch Must Go On
Just as I left the house a call came and I could see trouble; it read, Geraldine. Ordinarily the sight of her name on the caller ID would be a moment of happiness, but I smelled trouble. Sure enough, she had just opened GEM and found a water pipe had burst; The Girly Brunch was off. I was so sad because the girls had worked so hard, the promotion of it was going off brilliantly, and just about everyone I knew was going to be there. I literally ran back with my housemate Terry screaming, "What's wrong, what's wrong". I told him what had happened and how I had to get hold of about twenty people who were now putting on the final touches to their tea gowns and having the clasps of their pearls fastened. That done, I huddled on the phone with Le Compte La Mot and Mr. Thomas Barker; it was decided to go full speed ahead and divert what eventually became twenty-five refugees to our favorite restaurant Da Leo's on Lincoln Rd; Da Leo's legendary Sunday champagne brunch was going to have quite a surprise. For only $27.50 one gets a sumptuous meal (and they are always good) AND all the champagne you can drink; and with a crowd like this, we really worried about the supply.

Look's like a great Sunday in Miami....
All the Girls were out on Sunday
Hah...Mrs. Astor, the Saviour of South Beach Society!
Doesn't anyone down there know who to use a wrench and fix a water pipe?
I know what a wench is!! As for the pipe, I would have had ice and water trucked in and made a deal with a nearby business to use their bathrooms. Alas, there was no time for anything else but directing the tide of refugees.
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