Leopoldo didn't actually have the whole weekend off, just Friday and Sunday so it is like a three-day weekend with time out. After waking me at the crack of dawn to ride our bikes over the Venetian Islands to Miami and back, he let me take care of a few business matters. After some obligatory shopping, we chose a quiet afternoon at home cleaning the pool and trimming those annoying ferns which seem to want nothing but to jump in the pool. It's like Day of the Triffids; every week we cut them back and one week later they are drooping into the pool. I hate nature, but the the excuse to get Leopoldo into the pool every week for "trimming the ferns" allows for plenty of boyish shenanigans. So, Nature do your thing.

I've been having many dreams about KiKi lately. Often he has run away and I chase, calling his name; he always comes back and lately has started to talk to me. The other night he fell off of a balcony and I jumped and saved him in a dream. I know all these dreams are about my deep dread of what happens when he dies; we are already planning his 18th birthday in December. I see him often, bringing him some of his favorite--if now slimming--dishes. Leo brings him his favorite cookies and together we all enjoy lots of kisses and the playing of The Tarantula Game with him. The vet says he's hesitant to operate on the tail growth as dogs KiKi's age don't respond well to anesthesia. When I saw him yesterday (on the silk bed throw I knew he would like), he was his usual "happy to see ya" dog; he grandly enjoyed the long-simmered beef and corn I brought (but, no more cream or cheese sauces, alas). Today I found myself in a store pricing an enormous hand wagon; it would have to be enormous to include his bedding, books, cookie jar, portable TV, scrabble game, and hat collection. I would also have to erect a fringed tent on the wagon to shade The King. I've already talked to Ramon about it and he's excited; like me, he believes KiKi will be happy to visit Casa Astor again. Still, he seemed so frail yesterday; I wish he could really talk with me so that we could laugh about all the things we did over the years and all the toes he tried to bite off.
I don't know what I will do without him.
Brian's toes, my fingers, & whatever he could grab off of Jeremy-oh, it's good to be king :)
Speaking of, I sent my beloved tuxedo kitty Figaro, up to feline heaven yesterday. He was 16 1/2 years old and was the most wonderful and loving companion I could ever hope for. Never aloof and almost more like a dog than a cat, he slept next to my husband on the hospital bed the night he died.
Over the past week Figs stopped eating, retreated to a closet, lost several pounds, and became so weak he could barely stand: he was telling me he was ready to go. I held him through the process and the vet and I cried together. I will forever miss him.
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