We had a grand time at Twist on Friday night; important members of Court like Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish and The Baroness Seitzinger showed up in glory. Everyone effectively emptied Tommy's bar of all the good booze and somehow lived to tell about it the next day. For Mr. Astor and myself, Saturday began The Weekend of Retreat; it seemed as if we had not had any rest for months. I spent most of the weekend in bed and the rest baking; Leopoldo shopped. We spent the nights having dinner by the pool and getting tipsy.

I have never been a big fan of Nature unless it was within the covers of National Geographic, but there are far more frightening things than possums. Sure, they can be rabid, but most of my friends are. So--to make amends--I left the leftover Brussels sprouts in a bowl outside our door. The poor thing probably needs counseling after tonight episode, but the next best thing would be some nice veggies in butter sauce. It's the least I can do.
That little possum is so cute. Reminds me of the armadillos I saw on my first trip to Florida a million years ago. You are such a saint to leave the brussel sprouts out.....not that any humans would eat them!
And they did eat them; I think I have a new audience.
Doll you need to change your blog this has been up for days now.....
Get with the program your Fans await
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