"the" Mrs. Astor

Monday, February 01, 2010

I am not fully prepared for the initial "book-signing" tonight at Twist at 7 PM, but Queen Henrietta ordered it and we will fall into file. There are only fifty copies of this legend, but I believe 15 will do for tonight. It was always supposed to be her 69th birthday in March, but who really argues with Majesty?

I am still strapped with KiKi issues; I am grateful for understanding friends like Countess Bedelia and my precious Ed from California. I think every hour: How do you go on? You report nonsense, perhaps: Like: The Palace put in a call to the mayor's office at the hight of the drama there yesterday between the police and code enforcement. She sat down for a drag lunch and announced on a bullhorn: "I'd like to see who arrests me." This is a town of drama that takes away from some very basic elements that pull your mind from what makes you breathe and drags your heart to the gutter (where it began). I miss KiKi so much.......


At 10:32 AM, Blogger Countess Bedelia said...

Sending a big HUG your way today and every day.


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