"the" Mrs. Astor

Friday, September 07, 2012

One of the last summer events is always Score's anniversary party and this year it was the fourteenth.  That is an incredible number of years for a club in this town.  If growing boredom, City interference, or the occasional shooting doesn't kill a club, the greedy landlords attempt to double the rent will.  So we joined in the celebration at the invitation of Score's owners with VIP treatment and anything else we wanted.  Of course, it doesn't hurt that we live across the street from them.

This was the most brutal summer in memory, a summer in which it was often difficult to breath.  The rest of the country wasn't a picnic, but it doesn't have to factor in the humidity.  Payback time is coming soon when the temperature will plunge into the seventies while snow drifts pile up in the North.  But, with the start of "season" comes the flow of Yankees who--like me twenty years ago came to Miami Beach to party until dawn and stay as blasted as possible.  When you live here this is a mix of fun and apprehension; you just never know if you will get caught up in it when you usually turn in after Chelsea Lately. 


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