The hunt goes on. "Let's round up every gator with a mean look in its eye", screams the Miami "I'm good for something other than bird cage lining." Herald.
Yes, indeed, the tally so far of this mass-disembowelment has produced, a raccoon, three tennis balls, a deflated football, a mouse, a flip flop, something that could have been a croquet mallet, more mice, and--well-two arms of a girl so depressed that she hid under a bridge after calling her mom about her feelings.
Truly, if I have to start collecting money again to save these poor creatures from the bad press of the Miami Herald, I will. There has been a gross bastardization of the famous phrase, Only The Strong Survive. Now, it's Only The Stupid Survive, and if we don't stop this in its tracks you, me, and all our friends will find ourselves thrown in the Trash Heap of History (I love that phrase).
Is that youmrs.astor walking your pet gator in the park. You are without a doubt a humanitarian in the richest respect! I don't think people realize that everything that gets in the way of our subsidizing, subdivision and subverse lives with be nixed, nullified and put out of it's supposed misery. It started, here at least, with the Native American and now it's the alligator getting in our way.They'll say, well that gator would feel so much better if it were a pair of shoes and matching handbag cozy on my arm and feet.Good-night mrs.astor, have a grand evening!!
what is the death toll now? 9? survival of the fittest if you ask me. i hate when the media demonizes wildlife: wolves, white sharks, 'gators, tigers, enough already!
There is hope for the genome, see:
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