
There is nothing like being whipped into submission by a legend and that is what just happened at The Jackie Gleason Theater.

I knew it was going to be special when the band leader announced, “And, now, please give a warm Miami welcome to Miss Eartha Kitt!” The screams were deafening; I love gay audiences when a camp icon is involved and all of gay Miami—and then some—was there..

I was very shocked at the energy, sensuality, and strength of the 79-year-old who was just treated for cancer. She carried out some moves that, admittedly, even I can’t do and I am accomplished at some rather fancy ones. And what can one possibly say about singing the Peggy Lee hit, “Come On a My House…” in Japanese?
It was one of those major evenings of diversion and testimony to the spirit of “going on” (and that is exactly what we are all trying to do). Wow.
i love that all the seniors and gays in the audience screamed like a bunch of 12-year-old girls at an N'SYNC concert. glorius!
Truly, only in Miami Beach can a concert end with flamboyant interior designers and the wives of old, Jewis bankers dancing with each other in the ailes.
why? she performed HAIRSPRAY tunes?
ggggggggg GGGG ggggggg I love her little tigger purrs! I loves me some Ertha!!!! You lucky dog.
Oh, I just love it. She is a true Diva in every sense of the word. I would have died to go see her in concert and you are so fortunate to have had an evening, entertained by the very best.I am green with envy darling! Kisses!!
There are moves that you can't do?!?! Really?!
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