"the" Mrs. Astor

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Jeremy’s not gone one day, ONE day, and Riley is already acting up and exposing himself to the crowd during Bunny’s intermission. Well, I guess I’m just jealous. For a long time people thought Jeremy and I were boyfriends because we were always seen together. When he left for Bogota last time, they started thinking Riley and I were for the very same reason. Within minutes of sitting next to Riley last night, he turned and said something I had been thinking just minutes earlier: “Well, I guess we’re going out together again.”

And later that evening, just before the show, we heard and young guy go up to the bartender and ask, “When is that Rabbit Lady going on?” Priceless.


At 12:21 AM, Blogger Countess Bedelia said...

Glad to see that you are still on the scene!


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