According to The Herald, a new sport has quickly taken on: swimming with the gators. "The experts stress it's foolhardy, daft, dumb and every other word meaning stupid..." read The Herald, going back to my long-held notion that stupid people deserve to be eaten by my friends, the alligators (who have enough to deal with in the fight for territory with the pythons). Maybe they don't want to be photographed in their caves, but there is an interesting slide show
here showing what these guys find under the murky water. Manny Puig, one of these new daredevils, was the spotlight of the article; "And, just like humans, they're all different, Puig says. ``Some alligators are psychopaths; some are not.' '' That's about as reassuring as walking up Washington Avenue at 5 AM; let's see "Some homeless crack addicts are psychopaths; some are not. But most are, so maybe I shouldn't ever walk up Washington Avenue, period." It won't be long before someone disappears and is hidden by an alligator in it's cave for snacking on; they like to stash prey for later. Then there will be the rescue effort and all the alligators will have their lives turned upside down because of a stupid person.
And, I'm good at raising money...let's do it. Let's start by inviting all the stupid people to the Everglades for a midnight swim; that should get rid of about half of them.
Ugh! Say no to funny face--I can't even enjoy it in an ironic sort of "let's drop acid and watch a concentration camp victim prancing around in black cigarette legs for two hours" way.
Tina! Bring me the axe!
Stupid people? What are you trying to do, empty Miami? Well, please start with the politicians, then the lawyers (M. Riley really isn't a lawyer, yet, so he can be spared), then....
A might harsh, Ed; but, your advice is as good as gold to me. La Cage it will be.
BTW, email me so I can have your address again.
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