More pressing issues confront us today. Admiral Pimpernel's flagship steamed up Government Cut this morning escorted by Palace gunships firing Bacardi water canons. And, I can already hear the rumble of The Countess's open carriage; along her route children sing a song I wrote for the day, "Hail, Bedelia", and doves are being released. du Barry's route from Lauderdale is a bit more secret, with three exact carriages heading in different directions to throw off tax agents.
The entire Court is summoned to appear at 6 PM for the formal ceremony welcoming the dual monarchy of The Great Northern Court and the return of our own Pimpernel from the Court of St. James. Perhaps a nap is in order, but the tension is too much. The only thing to do is for all to put on their tiaras and get ready for a bumpy night.
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