"the" Mrs. Astor

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Matti Bower delivered a passionate speech last night reminding us that rights given by The City can be taken for granted and taken from us; I recalled the firefighters of Miami Beach whose City-given domestic partner benefits were snatch away by federal law. She reminded us that she has sponsored or promoted every gay rights issue placed before the commission for the last eight years; I recalled how her opponant, Simon Cruz, once questioned one gay-related vote with the whine that he was against "social engineering". What an idiot. When he got a grip, he voted for it anyway; the Miami Beach Commission has always voted 7 - 0 for any gay rights issue.

More pressing issues confront us today. Admiral Pimpernel's flagship steamed up Government Cut this morning escorted by Palace gunships firing Bacardi water canons. And, I can already hear the rumble of The Countess's open carriage; along her route children sing a song I wrote for the day, "Hail, Bedelia", and doves are being released. du Barry's route from Lauderdale is a bit more secret, with three exact carriages heading in different directions to throw off tax agents.

The entire Court is summoned to appear at 6 PM for the formal ceremony welcoming the dual monarchy of The Great Northern Court and the return of our own Pimpernel from the Court of St. James. Perhaps a nap is in order, but the tension is too much. The only thing to do is for all to put on their tiaras and get ready for a bumpy night.


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