I passed this thing on the way to the bank this morning and thought, "Is that a Tiki Hut?" Later, I got a grip and realized that I was way out of touch, as usual. Leopoldo--My Mr. Astor--posed under my mistaken "hut"; he could have made it anything he wanted for me.

It is the time of endless parties, and no matter how you try to put yourself above it all, you will find yourself sucked in to the abyss. I made a very special exception to the NO PARTIES edict for Captain Marc of the Poles. Firstly, I have always adored Poles; secondly, Marc is one of the most gracious gentlemen in town. Mr. Astor and I would have scaled fences to attend his party.

Again and again, the forces of Queen Cabaret propel our nights into a realm most never expect or experienced. I, for one, stand proud that we have a cabaret like them. Tonight we are joining Captain Jeremy to attend the grand holiday party of the great Thomas Barker; then we attend the Twist benefit for The South Beach Aids Project. It never ends.
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