Happy anniversary to us, and--boy--did we celebrate it last night. After two very public birthday parties, we decided to mark the occasion with a quiet night out at Twist that turned into the usual free-for-all. All went fine and I was even able to cook dinner for us when we stumbled home. We did meet a few chorus guys who--as usual--were all over Leopoldo; he's not a "chick magnet" as Miss Vickie notes, he's just a magnet. Oh well, I batted them off with my umbrella, as one of them sighed, "You are very lucky". I know, and I count my blessings every day.
I'm still trying to figure out how the evening ended since I left the house with $100 and returned with $120 and drink tickets. Counting in the cab rides, we stood a 40% gain in income which--in times like this--would make Wall Street proud.
Happy Anniversary! Your stock is on the rise! :-)
I should have been in the futures' market this time last year.
I'll buy in! Maybe we can get an IPO and ring the bell at the stock market on Wall Street!
I was back there this morning to hear a special concert of the Twin Cities Gay Men's Chorus (my new BFF's), and ended up sitting next to a cutie member of the San Francisco group. He asked me about fun places to go on South Beach; seems someone had told him Twist was the place to go. I told him in no uncertain terms that if he showed up at Twist, he had better keep his hands off the gorgeous Mexican attached to the gorgeous sparkly haired American. Hopefully I scared him off.
I forgot to say "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love to you both
Happy Anniversary!!!! My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail.
It was supposed to be a quiet event, but things don't usually turn out that way, here.
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