Sheila, the Head nurse from Boca, had to make a return appearance this week as Mr. Astor came down with a little cold. I am always at my best when I am taking care of someone (and doing so in a short skirt and some serious jewelry). This was the first time Leopoldo saw me in a dress and, he liked what he saw so the nurse outfit is never far away.
I cooked up a storm including my famous chicken soup; if that doesn't cure someone the undertaker should be called. The week was a melding of the anniversary and Tommy Decker's birthday with Twist being the center of all activity. The Baroness Seitzinger was seen on Friday there holding an impressive court of her own; we couldn't determine if she had purchased it (like her title), but she looked mighty fine and in control. Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish was totally out of control as usual and was loudly applauding her new hair-do--or at least the man who executed it. She claimed to have gotten a "sniff" of his nether region, but refused to tell the press just how she did it. It's nice to know she still has some values. Our friend Keith was there with his new (doctor) boyfriend and was complaining that he had to drive an admiral around all week. We were amused because we have another friend driving a general around.
I will be administering my version of healthcare: good food, plenty of kisses, and rehabilitation time with The Bedazzler.
Thanks for the memories of that fun evening, except for the fact that I came down with the flesh eating bacteria.
Since I prefer not to be batted away by your umbrella, please give Leopoldo a get well kiss for me.
Awwwww the memories.....that night was certainly a highlight of 2007!
Hey, No mention of Connie Chung bringing in the Ice Cream Cake? I'm over you LOL
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