...Dressing as a member of the opposite sex and "turning about" (usually with a drink in hand).

In past years I tried to shy away from showmanship and flashy demonstrations of tranvestitism. The year I went as "Berlin 1945", I came with a story (which was hilariously quoted in the press). In it, I had stayed in the Fuhrers Bunker almost to the end in order to help Martin Borman get into a drag that would pass at checkpoints. Russian tanks were rumbling overhead and I was squeezing him into a third pair of nylons and a girdle which Eva Braun was baking a cake out of sawdust. I had an in with a band of Russian cross dressers who smuggled us to Lake Como, from whence it was just a jump and a skip to the coast and the waiting submarine. Miami was the logical pick; never was a town so in need of a Kosher deli, and--giggling--called it Wolffies. It was just a game.

The next year brought a strong feeling of noblesse oblige: The great struggle of the American woman to gain the right to vote. I had always been intrigued by the support our very own Newporter, Alva Vanderbilt, devoted to the cause. Breaking away from the confines of New York and Newport society, getting rid of her husband when it simply wasn't done, and then throwing her immense fortune for the suffragette movement, Alva did what she did best: Take on the world. She paid the office rents, the bails, the ads, and was regarded by the male members of power who ruled this country then as a heretic. But, note is was the "male" members; their spouses, just as powerful and often wealthier, smiled silently and offered immense support and money. Of course, the men backed down; noone could stand up to Alva for long.
Ooooh! I think I danced with those very same boys on that very same shelf!!! Or was that when I got a massage on the bar? I'll have to ask Mr. Brian, Head of my Security.
Most people are totally in the dark about HOW the suffragettes won.
Betcha don't know which president had a love child while running for office, and that it actually helped women win the vote.
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"The Privilege of Voting" is a new e-mail series that follows eight great women from 1912 - 1920 to reveal ALL that happened to set the stage for women to win the vote.
Two beautiful and extremely powerful suffragettes -- Alice Paul and Emmeline Pankhurst are featured, along with Edith Wharton, Isadora Duncan, Alice Roosevelt and two gorgeous presidential mistresses.
There is a ton of heartache, and a LOT of hot affairs on the rocky road to the ballot box.
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Thank you for taking us on such a wonderful drive down memory lane. I will be unable to attend this evening's festivities but wish all participants a splendid time.
(dictacted by Mrs. Stuvysant-Fish and sent in her absence to avoid delay.)
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