The high definition version of The Birds was a big hit, and the head of the Miami Beach Cinematheque, Dana, gave an exciting lecture before the showing about many unknown aspects in making the movie, Hitchcock's creepiness, and poor Tippi Hedren's problems during the film with him. (My favorite: the way he attached rubber bands to the feet of live birds on her in the final attack, when she had been assured they would be mechanical. Hitchcock wanted real terror on her face and got it, along with a nervous breakdown.) My friend Kendall, owner of a large collection of vintage posters, lent this rare Polish one made for the opening in Warsaw.

The Cinematheque is one of those small town gems with a cozy room of about fifty seats. I wish I had taken a close-up of that photo on the wall. Tippi is driving the convertible and you see Hitchcock's face in the side mirror.

Dana also has a very large collection of film and movie books around the room and two bars, which always comes in handy. Also, earlier this week, I wrote a poorly phrased sentence about "...both of us" remembering when the movie came out. I, of course, meant when it was shown on TV; Leopoldo wasn't even born in 1963 and I was just three minutes old.
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