It's not as if there is nothing going on, as I had hoped; it has just jumped to a level of insanity that makes even my mind dizzy. There's a lot to write about, the dozen nude boys on Saturday night brought home by crazy Terry being just one. But suffice to say that any weekend which begins with picture hat for all is destined to be a

Of course this was relatively early in the day, before the hard liquor had come out and "Joe Snow" made two trips to the house. This was when everyone was still pretty; it wouldn't last long.

The twelve boys rounded up by Terry had nothing to wear but fancy hats; that was just fine with all of us, but we think it scared Terry's nephew to near-death. Bob's father--a old navy officer--took one look and ran upstairs.
OK, Let's do the countdown...3,2,1
Screams from the Countess duBarry about 'her' hats.
Just wait!
Of course the Countess Bedelia is disappointed not to see the nude boys modeling the hats!
Don't think that hasn't crossed my mind. The late du Barry should be grateful that her hats still are safe and bringing happiness to many. Other that that, she should have carted them home and stared at them on lonely weekend nights.
Will Penny and I see you lovelies at the Exxxotica Convention this weekend?
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