Mr. Clucky is one of the fixtures of madness that used to be so prevalent here on South Beach. The rescued rooster sits on the bars of his master's bike and constantly roams the town promoting animal kindness and smiles; he seems to have taken quite well to his fame and was named The Top Miami Activist in 2008 and even served as Grand Marshall of the infamous King Mango Strut New Years Parade. Mr. Clucky has his own website, mrclucky.com. So, of course, City Hall has to get involved in anything that promotes something unusual and fun. Mr. Clucky was served a ticket by Code Enforcement to get out of town under the obscure law that says farm animals can't be pets. A reasonable person would think that City Hall might have more important worries like the bulging salaries and debt flowing through the veins of that House of Frankenstein or even the obvious influence-buying by big developers of commissioners (I could name names, but what good would it do?). No, they have to kick up a storm by attacking Mr. Clucky.
This is so reminiscent of the time, several years ago, that City Hall tried to stop Mr. Disco. Mr. Disco is a wacky part-time cab driver who sets up his boom box of 70's disco hits on Lincoln Rd. and--in his platform shoes--demonstrates dance moves from that era for coins. City Hall didn't know what they had bitten off. Mr. Disco rightly sued The City of Miami Beach for suppressing his freedom of movement...and won. I can still fondly watch Mr. Disco and let my stressed-out mind drift off.
Again, a reasonable person would think that City Hall should learn from their past failures, but we are dealing with a Jewish/Cuban cabal that will stop at nothing from turning this town from the American Riviera to Sarasota East. I have sent word to Mr. Clucky that, as a reasonable human being, I will not stand for his banishment. And, I think City Hall has another Waterloo on its hands.
--Rolls eyes in disbelief--
All that fuss about a rooster? What's his crime - keeping club kids up with his crowing at 6AM?
In a town where I've witnessed people taking their pet cougars, pythons, boa constrictors and pit bulls out for an evening constitutional,
I hope Herhonner the Mayor calls that Code Compliance lackey into her office and raps him silly with her gavel.
I can see your eyes rolling. Unfortunately, we live in a city where the mayor has no more power than a commissioner; all power lies in the hands of the City Manager. In addition, Code Enforcement is a power answering to no one. Believe me, I've performed the City Dance for many years. We will not, however, leave Mr. Clucky to become a KFC special.
I heard Mr. Clucky is on a more South Beach friendly crow schedule - 10 am on weekdays and Noon on weekends.
Clucky should be under protective watch; Popeye's is running their two piece and a biscuit (1.99)promotion again.
I think Mr. clucky's crowing schedule is the heart of the problem. No matter; it already has made it to national news, so we'll have some fun with City Hall and Mr. Clucky's supporters.
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