I had a lunch time cocktail with an old friend who was briefly visiting and we talked about politics and current events with emphasis on fringe elements of the world like Kim Jong Il, a favorite stage actor who employs half of the world's elevator shoe makers. My friend worried aloud about North Korea having the world's third largest army, and I waved my hand saying that Iraq did too; now they can't get ten policemen together to save themselves. "Well, look at that North Korean army and all those generals", David said. "THAT is impressive." "No", I replied, "That's just the Sukhomlinov Effect", which drew the most lost gaze I've ever seen.

Vladimir Sukhomlinov was a perfumed, gold-braided dandy with enough medals to sink a ship; his supremely elegant cavalry rode directly into the German machine guns in the Battle of Tannenberg. Interestingly, while the American army was battling the pajama-clad Viet Cong during the Sixties, General Westmoreland was voted among the Tens Best Dressed Men in the United States. I'd like to add that goose-stepping on an empty stomach doesn't help either, but the Sukhomlinov Effect has a long, proven record. Kim will never be the problem because he doesn't want to rock the boat, but look out for the son.
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