Perhaps this was the weirdest thing I ever did. At the age of 12, for art class, I painted a picture of me and my grandmother on canvas which still hangs in my foyer. This was as she had named me as we enjoyed our life. There was me ,fearful, lovingly looking toward her and her distant look onto everthing before her. That was our relationship; she tried to teach me how to be cold and unadjusting toward the world around us. I loved the life, but embraced everything, all too differently. (I got an A+ from Mr. Windsfield--who I think was gay.) Anyway, I was.....
Wow, I feel that I have a very similar relationship with my mother - overbearing, overprotective, overloving, and smothering - but I love her more than anything in the world. She constantly tries to teach me what a cruel world it is, but I keep hoping differently and wearing my heart on my sleeve - go figure. In any event, your artistic abilities at age 12 were amazing! You know, you still look like you did in that picture! You don't look a day over 12! :)
Jesse :)
Oh, Jesse, you are the sweetest thing. When are you returning to the Den of Sin?
Yes, for some reason, I identified with my my grandmother and her Puritanical ways while almost ignoring my mother's libertine style and being embarrassed by it. I guess that warrents some looking in to. So do you! When are you coming back; I promise not to make fun of your belt ever again.
Just wanted to say that is a really impressive painting. I'd never be able to paint something like that, even aged 32!
You had a really great talent - you just added to your talents as you got older, of course!
Wow, you were 12 when you painted that! A child prodigy if ever there was one.
Wayne, Mr. Winsfield wanted to keep that paiting; I'm still glad I kept it. I'm looking at it now as I type this message, as I have brought it into by bedroom since scanning it. I will keep it here from now on; my grandmother and I always belonged together.
Graham, I don't know how many "new talents" I have acquire over the years since I painted that so many decades ago, but I do have trouble counting the number of new friends I have acquird. And, for that, I thank the heavens every night.
You are one of them. Again, for that, I am so happy.
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