Don't Tell Me I Don't Know How J.Lo Feels!
Since Florida is by-and-large lawless, stupid people buy creatures for their amusement and, when are bored of them, set them loose in The Glades. Pythons are the best example: never seen here before, they are having the time of their lives in The Everglades, since they have no natural pedators and the food supply is endless. It is a Roman feast for them.
Now we have had three incidents in two weeks. First a python picked a fight (probably after a few beers and a girl) with--of all creatures--an alligator. Big mistake; this is alligator heaven. Nevertheless, the 20 foot python fought the alligator AND SWALLOWED IT. Big mistake number Two; the alligator ATE it's way out of the python. It was all over the local news.
Two days ago another python captured and ate a FIFTEEN pound Persian cat named Frances. The Wildlife Authorities knew this because the cat was so fat that it prevented the python from moving and, when X-rayed, showed the fat feline the cause of the snake's bulge (they could even see Frances's little claws trying to scratch it's way out). The python is safe, moved to a reptile farm.
Yesterday, another python (dining must be getting boring in The Everglades) came out and ate a turkey from a farm. The only way anyone knew this is that the python asked for some cranberry sauce.
This is the expected result:
Now I know J.Lo was tomented by an Anaconda, but I'm not feeling too safe letting KiKi outdoors any longer without an armed detachment of The 7th Gay Calvary. He likes the attention of a man in uniform, anyway; the way we all do.
Dear God! I thought you lived in South Beach, not Jurassic Park!!!!
hahahahav RAY,, u mean Geriatric Park, right?
I love reptiles, more if they are long, heavy, big and hungry... wait, are we still talking about reptiles roghr?
Oh, to both of you, I forgot to mention that the more you joke about age, the closer it gets to whisper in your ear that "You're so funny; tell me more".
Just remember to keep kiki on a leash. That way if she gets feasted upon...DON"T PANIC. Just step your left foot on the snake's tail and pull with all your might while leaning into it with your right foot. Happened to me once. Well it was some poor sap that I was blowing and I had gotten carried away with the suction. He's fine. Blissful and fine as they all are when they've circled to close to this anaconda's black hole.
Knottyboy, the detachment of KiKi's Lifeguard Regiment have orders to shoot to kill any snake neary KiKi, who is a "he". (KiKi likes to say that he's not gay, he's just into Broadway musicals).
All snakes coming toward me will find several warm, receptive holes to cuddle in, though.
Both of those stories about the growing appetites of pythons were ghastly! I've never quite wanted a snake. I don't see myself being able to feed one live or dead mice. Seems distasteful.
Yes, Glitzy, LIFE is distasteful. I mean, peasants and pythons everywhere. I've taken to concealing a Deringer in my muff.
my dear you are brilliant! i love your latest posts! great to see you living the fabulous life, i'll be around you know! much love, akh xoxo
Mrs. Astor, you have already terrified me with the stories of prehistoric reptiles feasting on humans, now pythons eating alligators and cats. What is next?
I am terrified to step foot in Florida. Give me a Red State anyday. At least you know that if you get off a good shot, you are probably going to get a kill.
Please keep Kiki in sight at all times. He needs the Imperial Guard to be ever alert. The peasants and Bolsheviks are a reptilian disguise.
Ever yours, The Countess
Mrs. Astor! Mrs. Astor! Do you have the uncropped photo of that snake-handling man (or is that man-handling snake)? He's enough to consyrict my breathing any day.... btw, that's a nice python too. I've spent many an afternoon with one.
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