"the" Mrs. Astor

Saturday, October 08, 2005

For The 7th

At the end of our idyllic lunch yesterday, Captain Jeremy bemoaned the rusty sabers The 7th was sporting these days. (All things go to the tune of rust when you live on the music of the ocean.) Given their loyalty and beauty, I did what any Countess would do. I boldly stood up, unfastened my clasp, and took off the rope of (afternoon) pearls I was wearing. I handed them to my captain and told him to purchase what he wanted (machetes). It seems that machetes intimidate The Peasants more than anything else these days and as long as he keeps them from my doorsteps, Captain Jeremy may have as many as he likes; machetes, that is. Look at the glee in his eyes as he plots another "putting under" of the peasants. I lifted my cup of tea to Captain Jeremy and looked forward to seeing him and The 7th later today. It's good to be back.


At 9:50 AM, Blogger Countess Bedelia said...

Welcome back, my dear Mrs. Astor,

Your friends have been missing you and worrying about you. I am on my way home this morning from NYC. Went to the Empire State Pride Agenda fundraising dinner thursday night with all the A-Gays..LOL! so many suits all in one place...Prada must have been having a sale...almost 1 million dollars raised for a very worthy organization.

Tata, The Countess

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Alexis du Bois said...

I am back, with a drive. I had a long talk with Miguel last night and acknowledged my over-step in relationship. I adore him. I had a talk with the "ex" and, although things will never go back, we adore each other. Johnny is, unfortunately, lost to history.

But I'm back.

The party I throw for The 7th today will go down in history.


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