Ben reappeared after a mysterious two-week absence. Fears that he was being held, shackled, in the sinister Castle Bedelia were put to rest; he was in California on business and laying the groundwork for his move there. He said (and I quite agree) that Miami is not necessarily the place for a person at his stage in his career. I coquetishly slapped his face with my fan and said, "Now you will have to sleep with all South Beach before you go." "That's why I have to leave," Ben replied, "Haven't you read the bumper stickers: BEN THERE;DONE THAT"? Not many men can wear orange with confidence, and succeed.
I am glad Ben kept silent about his imprisonment at The Castle. I didn't want to have to punish him, the dear boy.
*SIGH* That makes me so sad that Ben and William will be leaving. I only met Ben once, but that is all it takes for someone to touch you. William will obviously also always be a special person to me. Such great guys! I hope they will always come back to visit. I know when I live there, they will always have a place with me. NOW - you better not go anywhere Dear Uncle Alexis and Papa Ian...stay planted right there at the bar so I know where to always find you!! :)
Love Always,
Jesse :)
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