"the" Mrs. Astor

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


It’s strange how things can change so quickly. One day everyone is dancing a Conga line under a brilliant sky and the next they are cowering in fear. A blanket of fear has covered this happy, fun-loving city; and it’s not a cozy one at all.

Two days ago agents of Homeland Security began raiding businesses in search for “illegal” aliens. Unmarked, black vans pulled up to popular businesses on Lincoln Road and in Little Havana unloading shouting agents intent upon grabbing screaming workers. They actually stopped people on the street and demanded ID. Yesterday roadblocks were set up on the 79th St. causeway onto The Beach and this morning on the MacArthur to the south. People going to work were being hauled out of their cars and yesterday a grocery market in Little Havana was raided; a brave move by Bush forces that rounded up twenty five mothers.. One moment someone’s mom was shopping for food and the next she was in handcuffs.

Shameland Security agents manned the four corners of 65th and Collins Avenue just north of “Millionaires’ Row” this morning doing nothing but scaring people who drove by. This morning Scottie mentioned that he left the house without his ID and asked if I had mine. I replied that I didn’t ordinarily walk around with my passport, replying, “What are they going to do? Deport me to Rhode Island? I should be so lucky.”

But this isn’t funny. These so-called “illegals” are the backbone of our entire society. They work hard and pay taxes. A friend who’s mother works for the federal government said it was a common rumor that it was payback for Bush getting booed in South America a short while back. How vile this government has become.

The federal employee also said that next Monday’s call for a general strike by the Hispanic community had incensed the government. How about that? A general strike; when was the last time you heard that in America? Is this what this once great country has come to? Let’s add endless war and an empty treasury to that and you have the seeds for some type of revolt.

Well this snooty New England society lady doesn’t like being scared by government goons. What have we sunk to? I suggest we make all these people wear an orange “I” on the outside of their clothing; then we’ll see just how many of them are around us, buying goods and services, being our friends. Then we can build some nice camps to put the ugly people in, and some ovens too. They, however, are for the fat, white men with the blue suits and red ties. They’ll cook up just fine, but not—unfortunately—in time for many innocent people.


At 3:50 PM, Blogger Countess Bedelia said...

Check out this approval map:

Only 4 states give him a positive rating; even Texas has lost their respect for him.

Why is this vile, stupid man still in office?

At 2:41 AM, Blogger The INFOSEC Consultant said...

Kristalnacht on South Beach? I know that Shrub has no respect for American ideals, but really, being a bad host is just so gauche. As you say, shame, shame...

I think I will sit this out in Switzerland, where at least I am a legal alien (well more alien than legal).

Countess, I will tell you why that vile man is still in office, because my Mother agrees with him. Now that is the scariest part of all!


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