Aura Prints at the Scene of the Crime

We were strolling down Lincoln Road when this sign stopped us dead in our tracks. It gave us pause to wonder just how you get an aura picture, what it means, and just what you do with it. Of course, we could have just walked in and found the answer to these life questions and more, but we had just taken lunch and I had to use bathroom facilities. Aside from not wanting to get involved in a lot of spiritual mumbo-jumbo, I had the feeling that if it was possible to photograph my aura that image could be distorted by my bodily needs. Yes I could see someone like Ms. Bees making some snarky remark like, “Oh, I recognize that aura; he has to take a poop.(or something equally vulgar)” Or “There’s cold, poached salmon adrift in a sour cream cucumber sauce in his aura”. Spiritually gifted, nosey people like Bees would more than likely use an aura pic to open a Pandora’s box of inner secrets. Thoughts like these were swirling around my head and I’m sure there was a particularly huge aura around me. Bees has a grandmother somewhere here in Florida, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s been put up to something like this.

blasted! foiled again! now i'll have nothing to blackmail you with, oh yeah, right [LOL]... btw, ed grow called you a "tired, gowned fairy" in my comments. i think he may have even said "old" but i'm hoping i'm wrong about that. but you didn't hear that from me. that ed grow! he's SUCH a trouble maker. ::rolls eyes::
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