Admittedly, I don't know any cowboys and that's another fantasy best left unacted upon. I believe as a child I did entertain the notion of dressing up as Miss Kitty on Gunsmoke; the idea of running a whorehouse, or at least dressing as if I did, was the closest I ever came to life on The Frontier. The Wild West to me was a huge tent set up in the back yard with an extension cord running from the house for the TV. (I spent more time thinking up ways for the neighborhood boys to take off their clothes than worrying about Indian unrest.)

But I DO know that no cowboy ever dressed like this. The whole gay, cowboy thing has gotten out of control. How can a normal, healthy boy dream of wearing a saucy, red dress with black lace trim and running a rough-and-tumble saloon/whorehouse anymore with cowboys in pastels and $600 boots made in Italy? It just isn't right.
What? Isn't this how Austrian cowboys dress?
This man can wear whatever he wants.....I luf him!
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