"the" Mrs. Astor

Saturday, May 27, 2006

I had to see it for myself. With The 7th scattered to the winds and the ever-fawning courtiers dissolved into the mist, I knew any movement would be dangerous. The carriage was out of the question and even riding sidesaddle would have raised more than a bushy eyebrow, so I donned an old outfit from a costume ball: The Peasant Woman. (Saucy Chambermaid might have caused me to drift.)

The peasant outfit was a bit too clean and pressed to be authentic, so I first threw it down the staircase several times. (From experience, wrinkles are more accurately maintained by sleeping in the clothes, but a nap was out of the question.) Dirt was the second challenge. First I polished the mirrors with the outfit and then the blinds; this turned out a satisfactory version of Managed Filth. Then I remembered that I had a stuffed fish in a closet amd it polished off the whole look: Fish Market Peasant Woman. (It WAS a good thing Jeremy was away; he has orders to shoot anyone who looks like this.)

Thus emboldened that no REAL peasant would notice I was mocking them, I slipped out a side gate of Castle Astor and proceeded south to Ocean Drive. Several men tried to pinch me along the way, but I shunned their advances. (One offered me 3 kopeks for the fish or two for my kiss.)

When I reached The Palace all I could think was, "It is 4PM on a Saturday; normally this place would have been packed."

No more disturbing was the pack in front of Hotel Victor, home to Rich and Famous like The Countess Bedelia. Her friend, Paul, was in the background and he threw a worried look toward me (how did he see through my costume?). I took a photo (which I can't get up on Blogger) and one of the chicks said, "Why you takin' my photo, white boy?" And I quickly replied, "Anyone as gorgeous as you, NEEDS to have their photo taken", and ran.

So many more businesses are closed for "renovation" this year than last, including the posh National Hotel. The threat by organizers to sue for discrimination if you close your business seems to be less important than that of protecting your property and employees, and I never quite got the attitude that you have to open for business. Not ONE Palace employee could be convinced to work, especially after three had guns pulled on them two years ago. Even our armed security guard wouldn't work without a security guard, for HIM! 300 were arrested last night; that's double the first night number last year, and I guess the total will end up being about 1500. A sad start to summer.


At 8:48 AM, Blogger Ian Gutierrez said...

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At 8:51 AM, Blogger Ian Gutierrez said...

well, I had the pleassure (??))) to see the photo of "the chics" at Victor entrance you took yesterday

See it HERE

if your stomack can handle it...

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Black and Tan Mark said...

Dear Ian,
I just had a look at the tourists you mentioned, and can tell your sense of humor is prevailing through difficult times. With this I KNOW you're recovery will be fast -- I can't wait to raise a glass of bubbly with you the next time we meet.

Oh, and stop pinching the nurses!!

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Countess Bedelia said...

What chicks? I only see the very handsome Paul waving to me, his favorite Countess.

(Now Ian will pout because I called someone else handsome..haha)

At 1:19 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

Alexis & Ian,

I know I am supposed to be focusing on the very posh hand-wave by Paul, but unlike The Countess, I am blinded by the fiercesome foursome. All I can think of is "Girllllllllllllllll..."

At 2:19 PM, Blogger Ian Gutierrez said...

oh yeah?

well, at least being charming is not PART OF MY WORK-...


At 2:20 PM, Blogger Alexis du Bois said...

Wait-a-minute! Paul was waving to the Fish Market Peasant Woman, not you, Countess. That was a secret hand signal we have: bring the fish to the side door for a champagne glass.

At 12:30 AM, Blogger Countess Bedelia said...

Oh, those champagne glasses. There won't be any left at the Victor by the time I make my next visit!

I'm sure Paul knew the fish lady was taking the picture for me. We have that kind of connection.

Ian, retract your claws!

At 2:21 AM, Blogger Ian Gutierrez said...


At 5:13 AM, Blogger The INFOSEC Consultant said...

First time that I have seen a "doorman" and velvet rope in the daylight at the Victor. Paul looks like a man trying to figure out where to bury the silver...

At 6:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest......whilst in Paris we made sure to lock up the pearls and the jewel encrusted slippers. We did in fact bring the ever handy hemlock pudding incase there was a scheme against our life, but only had to use it as hair conditioner as the peasants were suprisingly lovely.

The portrait is lovely....a striking resemblence (a wise selection as well, change the hair color to fool those calous conspiritors).

I'm terribly worried about the recent annual peasant revolt....it's terrible...simply terrible and we pray that the fortifications of Chateau Astor will withstand the advances by the peasants rudimentary militia. Do send word of your safe being!

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Pandora Wilde said...

Praise the Lord, pass the ammunition and pray the booze holds out. I'm thinking of you.

Your area was mentioned in the news here near Detroit last night--seems there's a little bitty basketball game going on or something...


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