"the" Mrs. Astor

Friday, January 05, 2007

Dogs always know; their inherent senses can detect danger, fear, and hurt. I have been in a tragic funk since learning of my ex's having a blood clot behind his left eye. Despite his Latin-inspired craziness and the constant fighting over KiKi (I had the money, he had KiKi) we remain friends. How can you not with someone you lived with for six years; that would be tantamount to saying you were wrong all that time.

Anyway, whenever I stop over the dogs are extremely excited because my visit equals a good meal. But, yesterday--to my surprise--the ex had been released from the hospital tests early and was sleeping. But, all I needed to know was in the eyes of the three dogs. Huddled around him, they were scared and I remembered how, when I fractured my entire left side years ago, KiKi would lie against my left leg, knowing that it was the place of pain. In their eyes I saw something I've never seen before: the knowledge that something was very wrong; way too wrong. They didn't even jump at the chicken Alfredo I brought; that's way too wrong.


At 9:30 AM, Blogger Showtune said...

I'd jump at your chicken! Crossing my fingers all works out well! Hugs!

At 10:49 AM, Blogger The INFOSEC Consultant said...

Oh, Lord, he certainly has been through the wringer. My best, as always. (I have about had it with blood clots!!)

At 6:30 PM, Blogger Jesse said...


It will all be okay!! You know that if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here!! My Farmor (grandma on my dad's side) got a bloodclot behind one of her eyes about 15(?) years ago. She's 90 now. So, hopefully that is a sign of encouragement!! :) You know my thoughts and prayers are with ya!


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