The night's special martini was one made with crushed basil and cucumber and--of course--a lot of vodka. At first it was unusual, but some grew on me, well enough to have three more. Now I can skip that daily salad today.

There were some faces from the old days of South Beach like Merle Wiess. She owned some wonderful stores before the greedy landlords who own this city forced them all out. Merle and her husband go out more than any couple in Miami, maybe even the Eastern Seaboard. They are fun.

Halo's walls subtly change colors through the course of the evening. It is all very modern, clean, and new.

Tiffany and I were chuckling about the thoroughly modern way of making sure a ruffie isn't slipped into a drink.

When he came back Kevin giggled, too, and said, "You just can't take any chances these days."

As soon as a place crowds up, my inner alarm goes off...

...and I left Jesse to his own devices. I hope he kept that look going. THAT look can get you something; the "gee whiz" one holds little water in this town.
Thanks Edison and Jason for a fun night and a martini that can legally fill in for a salad at lunch.
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