Taking a little break here on a Saturday morning after two nights at Mr. Astor's country estate, boys and girls are lounging around the pool, a tenderloin in the crock pot for when Mr. Astor comes home here tonight, and I just made a lovely casserole for KiKi. But before life settled back--at least for a day or two--to gracious normalcy, there had been some very glamorous affairs. One was at the palatial suite of The Countess in the nearby palace, The Carlyle; new marble floors made one's footing questionable and the master bathroom was larger than most studio apartments.

No big plans for today; I keep reminding everyone who moans of being tired that we have just emerged from the two week baccanal of costume parties, birthday celebrations, sleepless nights, and a host of other draining activities. "This merry-go-round has got to stop,"I say; and that's when they order a drink, take out a bottle of poppers, and start to laugh.
Who were those Dreamgirls? They totally crashed my soiree!
And isn't Karl Lagerfeld just yummy!!
We have dubbed The Carlyle as "The Castle Bedelia Lite".
Karl is a FEAST! Hands off, Bedelia.
BTW, now that the chateau in the Loire Valley is not going to be available, Castle Bedelia is looking not that bad.
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