I am trying to figure out why the U.S. taxpayers are expected to foot the bill of bailing out private, or even semi-private, financial institutions simply because the mighty monster of greed took hold like The Plague for the last few decades. Why do I hear a giant sucking sound when ten days ago it was reported that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were "way too big" to worry and two days ago it turned to "a 50 per cent chance they will need help"? I guess I have too little to do today because I'm also wondering if those highly paid CEO's and administrators, along with the shady mortgage brokers, are in any way going to be held accountable. I had better do something today; I can't imagine the public standing like deer in the headlights while talk of billions of bailout mount. But maybe I can; they've sat around while this administration has plundered the U.S. Treasury relentlessly for eight years.

And, another thing that's on my nerves today. Has anyone sent out the notice that voicemail is dead? According to the obituaries, it died about three years ago and was buried with full honors; Email gave a joint eulogy with Texting. It has been noted that it takes much longer to listen to voicemail than to read email or text; and people have a tendency to blab way to much. I hate listening to it (and, indeed, do not) as it rambles on and on sometimes and even whines.
And, finally--before I really have to do something of value and get a drink--I thank the Republicans for providing yet another demagogue up to the chopping block. Alabama Attorney General, Troy King, is being outed by several Internet, political blogs like Pensito. As Riley wrote, "As you would say, 'Rich' ." Although this is speculation and hearsay, his page as the state campaign chairman of the McCain bid, has been taken off of the senator's site; that speaks volumes. Anyone who calls homosexuality the "downfall of society" usually has a boy under the bed.
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