Often you are viewed as more of a threat when you lay low, hence the following cable from Mamie today: "

No, but last week did see us particularly on the move because of Mr. Astor's vacation. I've just returned to trimming flowers and planning dinners; I've even ironed a sizable number of my dinner napkins. We did, however, spend some time in Miami yesterday; I completed some business matters, we visited our favorite watch repairman, and then went on a tour of Brickell Avenue. So much has changed there with the never-ending building binge. One of the most important aspects of Brickell is international banking, especially South American. Perhaps the only bank branch we couldn't find was Bolivia, but it was more than made up by another. When I asked what the translation to one glitzy, glass monstrosity, Leopoldo gasped and said it translated to The Bank of The Holy Ghost. (Perhaps your money would be safe in that one; God certainly must be on the Board of Directors there.) I came away wondering how many of these banks would be here a year, or even month, from now.
So, no Mamie, there are no plans to assault your great position; we will let you know when to put on your bullet-proof girdle. We do have to all get together soon because the flow of gossip has continued and new souls have been washed away in the deluge.
That picture just leaves me sad. What is happening to our economy? Will we all survive? The Romanovs didn't.
Is that our fate?
Those are condos rising on Biscayne for no one in particular; it's not like they are even partially sold (to much more than hedge funds gambling that five years down the road, those apartments will sell). There are some very good deals on renting in all these new condos downtown. The banks on Brickell were completed some time back; their big hope is just to stay in business.
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