I just don't know what to do with Mrs. Stuyvesant-Fish anymore now that her handlers have walked off the job and she is free to roam the streets. She actually had the nerve to call my humble, little blog "Tragic and Trashy" and then proceeded to do something like this...and on The Lord's day itself. If I may say so, she put the "Trash" in "Trashy", the "ink" in "Pink", and the "mag" in "magma".
One would think that a woman of her social magnitude would have one shy bone in her body, but don't bother looking for it.
She's off on a vacation to Wahington D.C. Now, I'm not one to spread rumor, but get out the bread cuz' I have the butter knife. I hear she is actually going to a detox clinic in--hold on to your bonnets--West Virginia! The poor thing.
In the real world, would someone please tell these candidates that "lipstick on a pig" is not any more important than "...if it walks like a duck..."? Now, get this straight: There are two wars going on, we are in the poorhouse, banks are failing left and right, there is about as much confidance in the government to fill a thimble, and I personally think the only way out is to bayonnet every other politician until they get the point.
Also, I am frantic about the fate of Kim Jong Il; he's been missing and all my money is tied up in Korean-made platform shoes.
And, listen all you busy-bodies here in town; I am not going in to save anyone. If The Titanic is going down I'm not wasting a perfectly pressed dress to try entry on a crowded lifeboat. Oh, yes...don't call me; I'll call you.
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