In the real world, would someone please tell these candidates that "lipstick on a pig" is not any more important than "...if it walks like a duck..."? Now, get this straight: There are two wars going on, we are in the poorhouse, banks are failing left and right, there is about as much confidance in the government to fill a thimble, and I personally think the only way out is to bayonnet every other politician until they get the point.
Also, I am frantic about the fate of Kim Jong Il; he's been missing and all my money is tied up in Korean-made platform shoes.
And, listen all you busy-bodies here in town; I am not going in to save anyone. If The Titanic is going down I'm not wasting a perfectly pressed dress to try entry on a crowded lifeboat. Oh, yes...don't call me; I'll call you.
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