"the" Mrs. Astor

Thursday, April 08, 2010

The presses in New York City were running overtime with the news and image of Amanda LaPore leaving the courthouse in that city after the second day of being refused jury duty. Truly, what is American justice coming to? Do jurors all have to look like they are constipated and the last thing they had to drink was Tang?
Which brings me to Henrietta. She was called for jury duty three weeks ago and--quite fittingly--showed in in white fox. When she couldn't pass through the metal detector, she announced that it was most likely the metal forms of her period girdle and lifted her dress to show the prison matron person. Henrietta said every old man push to get a glimpse before the matron told her to lower her dress. Once let in, she was summarily dismissed when the court official announced her name of Henry R. and Henrietta stood up.
What ever happened to Democracy; if I were being tried, I would want a jury of my peers.


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